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Apistogamma Nijsseni  

Apistogamma Nijsseni
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Cichlidae. Subfamily: Geophaginae

It's natural range appears to be quite restricted as so far it's been collected only from minor tributaries of the Rio Ucayali in Peru, close to the eastern edge of the Amazon basin. These include the Rio Carahuayte and Rio Yavari.

Inhabits slow-moving blackwater streams, creeks and tributaries, as well as smaller rivers. The water these contain is typically stained dark brown with humic acids and other chemicals released by decaying organic material. This results in a negligible dissolved mineral content, and the pH can drop as low as 4.0 or 5.0. The dense rainforest canopy above means that very little light penetrates the water surface, and the substrate is normally littered with fallen tree branches and a deep layer of rotting leaves.

Maximum Standard Length
Male 3.4" (8.5cm). Female 2.8" (7cm).

Minimum Tank Size
18"L x 15"W x 12"H (45cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 53 litres.

Tank Setup
Like most dwarf cichlids, there are two basic ways of setting up a tank for Nijsseni. The first (and most common) method is to provide a very well planted tank, with bits of stone or clay pot providing caves and cover for breeding and avoiding aggression. The second method is to replicate the Nijsseni's natural habitat which consists of a large variety of wood, roots and leaves scattered amongst the sand substrate. It is generally the leaves which provide cover for the Nijsseni in this instance.

75 to 82°f (24 to 28°c)

pH Range
Acidic - 5.0 to 6.4.

Very soft, preferably no higher than 4°dH.

Omnivorous. Will likely take dry foods, in which case a good quality cichlid pellet should be fed as staple. Feed live or frozen foods regularly, too. Variety is vital, as is dietary balance - vegetable foods should be fed occasionally too (vegetable or spirulina flakes, or small pieces of cucumber).

More peaceful than the larger components of their Cichlidae family, but may exhibit cichlid-esque aggression when breeding.

Sexual Dimorphism
Males are larger with blue colouration on their flanks and a red-tipped caudal fin. Females have a more panda-like colour scheme, showing yellow as the base colour with large blotches of black in a 'camoflauge' style pattern. Females have a lighter red-tipped caudal.

Soft, acidic water is vital for breeding the Panda dwarf cichlid. Keep one male with a harem of females (a trio is ideal in smaller tanks). Females will hold their own small territories, whilst male's territory is the entire tank (or at least 24" if more than one male is kept in a larger tank). Female will guard fry whilst male defends his larger territory.

Apistogramma Nijsseni aren't uncommon in the trade, but aren't readily seen in local fish shops, either.
They are a very nice dwarf cichlid which will colour up a great deal when kept in very soft, acidic water. Females have totally different colouration and patterning to the males (excluding caudal fin).

The Panda dwarf cichlid will be fine in most community tanks, as long as they are not housed with more aggressive Cichlidae species.

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