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Smerling Sidthimunki  

Smerling Sidthimunki
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Botia sidthimunki er en af de mindste sneglespisere i akvariet.

Smerling Sidthimunki. - Botia sidthimunki. - Origin: Thailand. - First import: Germany, 1959, by A. Werner. - Care: Botia sidthimunki should always be kept in groups, minimum 3 animals, but better are groups of 5 or more. They can be kept in small tanks, but larger tanks will make the fish less shy. Since they are the smallest botia, active during the day, and peacefull they are suitable for the community tank. Waterconditions neutral to slighlty acidic water, which shouldn't be too hard, decent filtration, and frequent waterchanges. - There's no need to reduce the light, but densely planted regions and hideouts should be available. The fish will inhabit the lower and middle regions of the tank. - Temperature: 26-28 degrees. - Feeding: Omnivorous, all food is accepted. - Size: Up to 7 cm. - pH: 6.0-7.5 - Breeding: Has been bred in aquaria. Full grown fish are required, it seems the fish are ready to mate at 7 years of age! - Sexual dimorphism: None. - Additional:Botia sidthimunki was considered almost extinct since all the fish had been caught and exported a few years ago, until a population was discovered again in a small river. Breeding the fish in large numbers is necessary to protect the natural populations that remain, and to ensure that the fish will remain available for the hobby.

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