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Gurami Paradis fisk  

Gurami Paradis fisk
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Macropodus Opercularis
Macropodus Opercularis Paradis fisk. - Skumredebygger, Hanner er ekstremt aggressive mod andre artsfæller af samme køn. Størrelse 10cm, Min.80ltr akvarie. PH 7, Temp.23C

This fish is hardy, colorful and of good size. They are my favorite tropical fish. The paradise fish was named by Linnaeus during the beginning of aquarium keeping. It was the FIRST tropical fish to be imported from other countries and kept. Its radiant coloration and interesting habits put to shame everyting that had been in the aquarium until then, and encouraged more exotic fish imports. This fish should have at least a 75 liter tank to reside in. It can bred in a 40 liter. This fish is actually sub-tropical and can take very cold temperatures and can live for at least part of the year in an outdoor pond. They enjoy eating betta food and ghost shrimp. They also enjoy baby fish. Paradise fish are rather aggressive and two males will fight it out to see who is stronger. Soon they will develop a pecking order. Paradise fish fight by locking jaws and biting at the opponent's sides. Breeding is easily done by placing male and female in a 40 liter tank. Add a floating plastic lid for the male to build his nest in. Usually the nest is on the side of the tank or under the lid. The fish then court each other. The male flares at the female and the female either runs or wiggles her body. If she wiggles her body, the male doesn't attack her. The female will come over to the bubblenest after a while to meet the male and they will embrace like bettas. Eggs number around 50 to 300. The eggs hatch into tiny black colored fish. The male tends them, catching them in his mouth and blowing them towards the bubblenest. When the young begin to wander and the male starts to have a very hard time, it is time to remove him. This is usually 3 days later. Feed the young infusoria and later baby brine shrimp. After one month you can introduce them to flake food. After one and a half months they should be the size of pinto beans and you can move them to the main tank. The smaller ones may be harassed or eaten, but the lucky few will grow to adulthood if provided with good care.
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