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Puntius denisonii  

Puntius denisonii
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  • Vare nr: 10249mblog
  • 017.0432
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Teknisk vægt på denne vare er : 20000 Kg. - bruges til filtrering af fragtmetoder, (det er ikke nødvendigvis varens egenvægt)
Puntius denisonii, commonly known as the Denison's barb, red line torpedo barb, roseline shark, bleeding eye barb or Miss Kerala, is a subtropical fish belonging to the Puntius (barb) genus in the Cyprinidae (minnow) family. It is endemic to the fast-flowing hill streams and rivers of the state of Kerala and South Karnataka in South India. They prefer a water temperature range of 15 to 25 °C and almost certainly live for over 8 years.
The fish is characterized by a torpedo-shaped body with silver scales, a red line running from their snout, through the eye, back towards the middle of the body; and below the red line, a black line that runs the length of the fish to the tail. As they mature, a distinctive green/blue marking on top of the head develops. The fish attains a maximum length of 15 cm. They are active schooling fishes.


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