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Thorichthys ellioti 3-4cm  

Thorichthys ellioti 3-4cm
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Thorichthys ellioti - Middle sized Cichlids for planted Community Tanks
Thorichthys ellioti - Middle sized Cichlids for planted Community Tanks

The wisdom of creation can be recognized since the fish are dumb. What would there be a noise when they would cluck over each egg.


Thorichthys helleri Subgroup:
T. ellioti, T. callolepsis, T.helleri, T. aureus and T. scolofi

Thorichthys affinis Subgroup:
T. affinis, T.meeki, T.pasionis


Mexico: Rio Papaloapan system

Water values

pH 7 – 8; °dGH 4 – 11; °KH 5 – 13; 25 – 30° C; Clear freshwater

Size / Sex

The Thorichthys ellioti males are slightly larger than the females and full-grown with approximately 14 cm total length. In addition to the size the females can often be recognized by a black spot in the front of the dorsal fin.


The form and the peaceful nature of the Elliotis are very similar to the South American Eartheater of the genus Geophagus. In contrast to the often subtle colors of the Eartheater Elliotis must not hide with their bright blue points behind the South American Ram cichlid Mikrogeophagus ramirezi.


Despite their size Elliotis are relatively peaceful fish and should not be associated with other assertive cichlids from Central America.

Therefore it is quite possible to keep in a 150 cm wide tank several pairs up to 8 fish in a group. Then the cichlids show clearly their natural behavior. Some couples separate themself time and again from the group occupying small territories, where they will spawn soon. The territories are usually defended without any major quarrel only by threats against the other group members. The threats, where often two pairs face each other with opened gills, with their bright and blue dots, swimming back and forth as on a tug of war, are fantastic to view.
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